01873 851330


Online Counseling

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Home Counseling

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Our Services

Relationship and Family Counselor

Child Care

Child Counseling Services

Children face many challenges and changes in their lives, and sometimes they need extra support and guidance. That’s why we offer child counseling, a service that helps children deal with various issues, such as stress, bullying, divorce, abuse, and more. Our child counselors are experienced and knowledgeable in working with children using evidence-based approaches, such as solution-focused therapy, mindfulness therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. They help children identify their strengths, values, and goals, and they support them in achieving them. Our child counseling service helps children create positive and meaningful changes in their lives.

Navigating the complex landscape of childhood requires resilience, understanding, and sometimes, professional assistance. Children encounter an array of hurdles and transformations as they grow, making it essential for them to receive the additional support and direction they might need. Recognizing the nuanced challenges that young individuals face, our child counseling services strive to provide a compassionate and tailored approach.

Our team of dedicated child counselors acknowledges the multifaceted nature of children’s struggles, addressing issues such as stress, bullying, parental divorce, and instances of abuse with empathy and expertise. Informed by evidence-based methodologies, our counselors employ a diverse range of therapeutic techniques, including solution-focused therapy, mindfulness therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy.

Marriage Care

Marriage Counseling Services

Our marriage counseling service provides a safe and supportive space for couples to explore and resolve their issues. We offer marriage counseling for a range of issues, such as conflict, infidelity, divorce, blended families, and more. Our marriage counselors are qualified and skilled professionals who specialize in different areas of couples therapy, such as Couples Communication, Sex Therapy, and Premarital Counseling. They help couples develop skills, strategies, and solutions that work for them. Our marriage counseling service helps couples achieve their relationship goals.

Our marriage counseling service serves as a sanctum of understanding and healing, offering couples a secure and empathetic environment to navigate and resolve the complexities that often arise. At the heart of our approach is a commitment to assisting couples in not just addressing but transcending their challenges, fostering a deep connection, and building a resilient foundation for their journey together.

Embracing the diversity of issues that couples may encounter, our marriage counseling services extend support across a spectrum of concerns, encompassing conflicts, infidelity, the prospect of divorce, challenges within blended families, and beyond. Our team of marriage counselors stands out as a collective of qualified and adept professionals, each specializing in specific facets of couples therapy, such as Couples Communication, Sex Therapy, and Premarital Counseling.

Family Care

Family Counseling Services

Our family counseling service provides a safe and supportive space for families to explore and resolve their issues. We offer family counseling for a range of issues, such as conflict, divorce, blended families, adoption, grief, trauma, abuse, and more. Our family counselors are qualified and skilled professionals who specialize in different areas of family therapy, such as Family Mediation, Parenting Support, Child and Adolescent Therapy, and Couples Counseling. They help families develop skills, strategies, and solutions that work for them. Our family counseling service helps families achieve their family goals.

Our family counseling service stands as a haven for exploration, understanding, and resolution. We are committed to providing a secure and supportive space where families can navigate their unique challenges, fostering a sense of unity and resilience. Rooted in the belief that every family is distinct, our approach is tailored to address a spectrum of issues, including but not limited to conflicts, divorce, blended families, adoption, grief, trauma, and instances of abuse.

Our team of family counselors comprises qualified and skilled professionals, each specializing in specific realms of family therapy, such as Family Mediation, Parenting Support, Child and Adolescent Therapy, and Couples Counseling. This diverse expertise allows us to offer a comprehensive and nuanced approach to addressing the multifaceted issues that families may encounter.


Our Happy Clients

“Family Tree has been a lifesaver for me and my family. We were going through a tough time after my husband’s death, and we didn’t know how to cope. Our therapist helped us grieve, heal, and reconnect as a family. We are so grateful for their support and guidance.”

L. Hamilter Mother of 3 kids

“My wife and I were on the verge of divorce when we decided to give family counseling a try. We had lost trust and communication in our marriage, and we were constantly fighting. Family Tree Counselors helped us rebuild our relationship and resolve our conflicts. They also helped us improve our parenting skills and bond with our kids. We are happier and stronger than ever, thanks to Family Tree.”

J. Cassy House Wife

“I was struggling with depression and anxiety, and I felt like a burden to my family. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, and I isolated myself from everyone. Family Tree Counselors helped me break out of my shell and open up to my family. They also helped me find coping strategies and resources that work for me. I feel more confident and hopeful now, and I have a better relationship with my family.”

A. Waltz 3rd Child of Waltz
Get in Touch

Schedule An Appointment Now

We are here to listen, support, and guide you and your family towards positive change. We offer online, onsite, and home counseling services that suit your needs and preferences. We also provide free resources and support groups that enhance your family counseling experience. Contact us today to book a free consultation and find out how we can help you.